Transferts Culturels – Kulturtransfer – Intercultural Transfers

Lecture series „Transferts Culturels – Kulturtransfer – Intercultural Transfers“

Michel Espagne, Antje Dietze, Matthias Middell, Anne Saada, Ninja Steinbach-Hüther. A cooperation between the Centre for the Study of France and the Francophone World and the Re-search Centre Global Dynamics at Leipzig University and the École normale supérieure Paris (ENS-PSL, UMR Pays Germaniques - Transferts Culturels)
Findet statt
Vom - Bis
20.10.2023 - 14.06.2024
Antje Dietze, Research Centre Global Dynamics, Universität Leipzig

In this online lecture series / transnational seminar, international scholars present their current projects in the fields of cultural transfer research, transnational history and transregional studies. A cooperation between Leipzig University and École normale supérieure Paris.

Lecture series „Transferts Culturels – Kulturtransfer – Intercultural Transfers“

The transnational research seminar consists of lectures by invited international scholars dedicated to the study of cultural transfers in very different regions. The presenters discuss the relationship between cultural transfer research, transnational history and transregional studies using examples from their ongoing research.

The seminar takes place one Friday per month from 10:00 am to 12:00 noon via Zoom. The sessions are held in French, English or German and are open to MA and PhD students of ENS Paris and Leipzig University, as well as all interested researchers. Since the beginning of 2023, the seminar is a central part of the teaching program of the Franco-German Graduate School “Cultural Transfers”, operated by the École normale supérieure and Leipzig University and funded by the Franco-German University.

The seminar is organized entirely online and is based on the long-term collaboration between the Leipzig Centre for the Study of France and the Francophone World and the Research Centre Global Dynamics at Leipzig University and the École normale supérieure Paris (UMR Pays Germaniques - Transferts Culturels).

The central theme of the various sessions is the question of the vectors that explain and promote the various shifts in intellectual content in space and time, as well as the resemantizations that necessarily go hand in hand with these shifts. The topics dealt with are deliberately diverse in order to facilitate contacts between the disciplines and methodological discussions. A common theme is the history and epistemology of the human sciences with a focus on questions of spatialization in historiographical constructions.


29 September 2023: Edition et ethnographie au Vietnam

La vie intellectuelle au Viet Nam observée à travers l’activité de l’imprimerie et de l’édition en langue vietnamienne
Giang-Huong Nguyen, Bibliothèque nationale de France

Politics and Ethnography in the Highlands of Central Vietnam: French, Vietnamese and Hrê Interactions in Quảng Ngãi, 1860s-1950s
Andrew Hardy, Ecole française d'extrême Orient

20 October 2023: Planning and Comparing Free Ports: Bombay and Hamburg

The Spatial Frameworks of Comparison: Planning Western India’s Free Ports and Free Trade Zones, 1830s–1980s
Megan Maruschke, Universität Leipzig

An Island of Free Trade for a Protectionist Empire: The Free Port of Hamburg and the German Empire in a Global Age
Lasse Heerten, Ruhr-Universität Bochum

17 November 2023 : Séance exceptionnelle en présentiel et en ligne. Table ronde : Enseigner les transferts culturels – Diskussion: Kulturtransferforschung in der Lehre
École normale supérieure Paris, 29 rue d’Ulm, Salle U209

Intervenants :
- Antje Dietze, Universität Leipzig
- Michel Espagne, CNRS-UMR 8547, ENS-PSL
- Stefan Keym, Universität Leipzig
- Anne Saada, CNRS-UMR 8547, ENS-PSL
- Ninja Steinbach-Hüther, Leibniz-Institut für Länderkunde Leipzig

15 December 2023: Rassistische und antirassistische Diskurse im Transfer

Zur Resemantisierung von internationalen (Anti)Rassismus-Diskursen in Deutschland
Alain Belmond Sonyem, Universität Leipzig

Der kulturelle Rassismus im Diskurs der Identitären Bewegung in Deutschland und der Génération Identitaire in Frankreich.
Ernest Mbe Elepi, Université Paris Cité

19 January 2024: La place de Faust dans l'espace culturel européen

Outlines after Goethe's Faust I in European Circulation
Evanghelia Stead, Institut Universitaire de France

Faust, Werther und andere Helden des 19. Jahrhunderts im transnationalen Kulturtransfer. Aspekte und Perspektiven eines interdisziplinären Forschungsfeldes
Carsten Rohde, Sun Yat-sen University Guangzhou, China

9 February 2024: Transnational Perspectives on the History of Nationalism

Negotiating the ‘Russian Soul’: From the Transnational Making of a Concept to its Development as a Nationalist Narrative in Russia’s Imperial Discourse
Frank Grüner, Universität Bielefeld

From a "Greek Orthodox Commonwealth" to a "Brotherless Nation"
Adamantios Skordos, Leibniz-Institut für Geschichte und Kultur des östlichen Europa, Leipzig

8 March 2024: L'histoire transnationale du droit

Transferts doctrinaux en droit pénal en Europe au XIXe siècle
Jean-Louis Halpérin, École normale supérieure

Die Rezeption spätantiken Rechts als vertikaler Kulturtransfer? Einige Beobachtungen
Stephan Dusil, Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen

26 April 2024: Archives européennes

Confiscations d’archives et re-invention de l’Histoire en Europe entre XVIIIe et XIXe siècle
Maria Pia Donato, École normale supérieure

Papers on the Move: Archives as Spoils in the 30 Year’s War
Natalie Krentz, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt

3 May 2024: Cultural Mediation within and of English Literature around 1800

Travel Writing, Cultural Transfer and Performativity: Mary Wollstonecraft’s Letters Written During a Short Residence in Sweden, Norway and Denmark (1796)
Petra Broomans, Universität Groningen

The Spanish Liberal Exile in London: José Joaquín de Mora and Anglo-Spanish Cultural Transfers in the 1820s
Sara Medina Calzada, Universidad de Valladolid

24 May 2024: La construction de la Sibérie

Discourses on China in the Irkutsk newspaper “Eastern Review” during the Yihetuan uprising in 1900
Pavel Alekseev, Siberian University Gorno Altaisk

L’invention de la Sibérie : la place de Semion Remezov dans l’historiographie sibérienne.
Iris Saada, UMR Eur'Orbem, Sorbonne Université

14 June 2024: Dialectique du national et de l’international dans les revues allemandes à l’âge des Lumières : faire varier les échelles

Von der internationalen Gelehrsamkeit zur nationalen Wissenschaft – das Beispiel der Journale
Martin Gierl, Universität Göttingen

Le rôle de la référence étrangère dans le périodique savant les Göttingischen gelehrten Anzeigen (1739- auj.) : contrastes entre une approche micro-historique et l’histoire transnationale
Anne Saada, CNRS, UMR 8547 Pays Germaniques : Transferts Culturels (ENS, Paris)

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Sprach(en) der Veranstaltung
Englisch, Französisch, Deutsch
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